To Drink with Elves or Dwarves?
(Don't miss an episode. Sign up for my eletters and get a heads up when the newest one comes out.)
Ep. 1 Brad Birzer joins me to discuss Conservativism and Cultivating the Inherited Good.
Ep. 2 Jordan of Monistic Idealism shares about Idealism, Berkeley, and his new series Idealism Forever.
Ep. 3 Gerard Casey and I talk immigration, borders, and Rothbard.
Ep. 4 Gerard Casey joins me to discuss his book Libertarian Anarchy. (part 1)
Ep. 5 Gerard Casey joins me to discuss his book Libertarian Anarchy. (part 2)
Ep. 6 Dann Reid and I talk many things culinary and liberty.
Ep. 7 Jim Spiegel and I talk the Premortalist Free-Will Defense and the problem of evil.
Ep. 8 Haley Heathman shares about herself and the Liberty Alliance Network.
Ep. 9 Iowancap and I follow up on his Trump and conservatism talk. (Part 1)
Ep. 10 Iowancap and I talk libertarianism doing better by considering how schools of ethics relate. (Part 2)
Ep. 11 I respond to Tom Woods and Dave Smith on voting Trump. (Part 1)
Ep. 12 Paddy of Paddy's Parlor Games shares on how gaming and homeschool can go together.