Ep. 4

Libertarian Anarchy

Hey everyone, guess what? I got to talk liberty with the Gerard Casey himself! That's right be jealous. I'm dropping some of our conversation below. Enjoy. -P

Talking Libertarian Anarchy with Gerard Casey

Penjammin: Hey, this is Pen up here [at] the front to let you know what's coming next. We have an interview with the Gerard Casey. He is a gentleman, a scholar, and he's written a book on libertarian anarchy that is surprisingly, I know, called Libertarian Anarchy. It's a great book. It's been well complimented by Tom Woods himself, and we're going to talk about it. So buckle up. Here we go. Gerard Casey [mispronounces it], how are you doing today?

Gerard: I'm doing very well. How are you?

Penjammin: I'm doing great. And thank you for not correcting me. It's Gerard Casey [corrects pronunciation]. And so my apologies. I'm doing very well. I want to introduce you to all my friends and family and listeners and such. And I like your work. I like your accent. And so there we go. That's it. So if I could, I would like to introduce you a little bit and then invite you to add on things that I have so foolishly left out. Because I think it's always interesting when somebody brings a guest on their show or something and they say, “Hey, so tell everybody about yourself.” You're like, “Oh, so I get to do the work here great. One thing that what I remember about you, that comes to mind immediately, is that obviously you're from Ireland and you've grown up there, you've studied there, but you've also been around, You left Ireland for a while to work before you got into philosophy and studied eventually at Notre Dame in Indiana. And then in the process, you've gotten married, you've had kids. You've also, I guess, lapsed from faith and then returned back to Roman Catholicism as well. And also in the process, you have discovered libertarian anarchy as more of a political social philosophy. And so that's just quite a whirlwind story right there. You have your doctorate in philosophy. I'm not sure what exactly you focused on when you, when you got that. Um, but maybe you can tell me. And is there anything I've left out that you want to add?

Gerard: No. Except that I'm intensely good looking and charming. But other than that.

Penjammin: That is what people say.

Gerard: And modest… and the modest bit. [laughs]

Penjammin: Yes. Very good. Okay, let's see, there was something else. I'm losing my track of my thought here. You've also written a book that's become very popular within the liberty circles, Libertarian liberty circles, and it's called Libertarian Anarchy. How did that book come about?

. . .

For more, check out my review of his book, get his book, follow him on twitter, take his classes at the Liberty Classroom, and/or listen to the whole episode below.

Penjammin grew up in a labyrinthine cavern. Later he ran with the wolves, enjoying life in the sweet scent of his game, until pirates landed and… (see “about” above). Get his eletters at penjams.com/subscribe.