Culinary Liberty

This is my interview with the Culinary Libertarian, and we discuss how liberty and culinary matters go together. Also since we went long at the end, this is part one of two. So without further ado, I give you the culinary libertarian, Dann Reid. Get the whole thing below.

Penjammin: You are tagged as a culinary libertarian. And I think, actually, you were the first person I followed. One of the first people I followed from this account way back, like five or more years ago. And, it was just slow going on Twitter, trying to find good accounts to follow. And you were the only person — I reached out to at least ten people. You're the only one who responded with, anybody to “say, hey, here's a few good accounts. I don't follow either one of those guys anymore, but I appreciate the effort. .

Dann: Digitally, five years is an incredibly long time.

Penjammin: It is incredibly long time. So tell me about the culinary libertarian thing. Now, I got an idea. Either it could be just those are two totally different things that are kind of conjoined together, or they could have some sort of inter-dynamic, mutual influence upon each other. I'll let you tell me.

Dann: Well, it's a little bit of both. And sort of the embarrassing answer is way back when I thought it was a good idea to do a podcast because-

Penjammin: Wait wait wait. We're recording one right now. [laughs] But alright go ahead.

Dann: Well, back 5 or 6 years ago, they were even, I don't know the history of podcasts, but there were a few of them, and it was sort of a still kind of a new-ish hip thing to do. I was following a libertarian at the time who said, you should make a podcast? And I said, well, okay, I'll make a podcast. Actually the thing that came first was the website. And he had a deal to get hosting. And you get a deal through hosting if you buy through his link. And I thought, well, if I'm going to buy through a libertarian's link, I probably ought to make a libertarian page because this is how dumb I was. I didn't know that I could, I couldn't, I could not have that. So the thing I knew about was food. And the thing I still know about was food. And I was learning about libertarianism, about politics. And those two things really are not distinct. Their views on politics are distinct, but it is functionally a… it's a political mindset. So I thought, well, let me put the two together. And it happened also that, when you do that, when I said, “okay, I'm going to do Food and Liberty and see how this works out.” Turns out there's a lot of ways in food (you sort of have to look a little bit for it) for liberty to be something worth discussing.

Get the whole interview along with my eletter here.

Penjammin grew up in a labyrinthine cavern. Later he ran with the wolves, enjoying life in the sweet scent of his game, until pirates landed and… (see “About” above).

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