Free-will and Baldness

Greetings from far far away. I gotta tell ya. It’s been crazy. We got halflings stuck in treasure chests. Dirt tracked everywhere. Beaten tables enduring the further abuse of dwarven slobber. It is not a pretty sight. Weefolk night: not a good idea. Fortunately, I’ve got Gerard Casey’s book Libertarian Freedom to keep me busy. I mean Libertarian Anarchy.

My bad on that title screw up up there. Just, last I was able to manage a bite of the book, Casey was going on about libertarian freedom in that metaphysical free-will sense. No complaints really. Actually I rather enjoyed it. And it reminded me of Tim Stratton, that free-will chap Jeff likes. (Said chap has a video on this subject with some big name called JP Moreland. JP seems like a fun guy. Tim however. I have great difficulty trusting bald men because intentional baldness amounts to an active assault on nature. It’s like, being a manscaper. (I cringe even writing the word.) No. Sean Connery had it right as did that manhood exemplar second only to Jesus Christ: Chuck Norris. To his credit, Tim does allow his God-given manliness a place on his face. Maybe it's the secret of his powers.)

Anyway the free-will stuff was interesting and shocking. Casey talked about dominoism. Dominoism? No. That’s not quite right. Well it was something like that. Whatever it was, it involved the idea that humans are just parts of a huge universe of dominos. (You know, like one thing causing another, causing another, and so on?) Anyway, on that view, a person’s thoughts would amount to mere domino’ery as well. And who would trust that?

So domino people having thoughts and trustworthy ones, doesn’t make much sense in general, and that goes for thoughts about dominoism too. Casey thinks this situation is self-stultifying for the wouldbe domino man. That seems right to me, and dominos is a boring game anyway. But it got me thinking. If free-will is necessary for ideas to avoid being self-stultifying, then that applies to ideas about liberty. Now, it never made much sense to blame folks what they could not help, but it makes even less sense for domino people to do it. This is an interesting line of thought. Casey mentions the futility of debating ethics when the whole conversation has the rug pulled out from under it. I can think of other things that would make it ridiculous. Besides funny hats.

Well, I better get. I don't intend on being here when it's time to clean up this mess. Besides, I have plans. The hunt was good, and the wife is cooking the kill, and if I don’t hurry, it could be gone before I get back. Daylight will be gone soon, too. Have a good weekend, terrans.

53 Fi 7380

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