Greetings and good times, everyone. Always a pleasure to write the fair-minded and good-hearted folk of your world. As for them other guys, well, they can ignore me. Seriously, it's like God spared your world trolls and gave it politicians instead. I shiver at the thought. Terra remains a good place to visit. I'm not moving there until the Risen returns.
Anyway, we're doing well over here. On-going projects continue, surveying the realm and further establishing our settlement. Dear Gryph gets older, but he's feeling well. We hope to go on a joy flight here in the next couple days. BUT there is some grand news! I'll wait until things develop a bit to say much more, but- ok fine. I found the island! I know! And it is HUGE. No. I'll have to elaborate later. There's too much.
All of that is what's going on right now. I started these ethereal letters to leave an account of (mainly) past adventures (in an enduring place safe from the eyes of my realm). So, anyway, I'll begin an attempt* just here below.
From milk to wine to life divine
And now I drink all three
But never did
I ever get
So low as to drink tea
Until one day
The winds held sway
Upon our company.
They broke the mast
And nearly cast
Us all into the sea.
In calmer days
The ocean swayed.
The moon danced on the sea.
But then he waxed,
And none relaxed.
She ravaged everything.
And in those throws
Of love’s embrace
Or of a lovers' quarrel,
The ship grew cracks,
And we wetbacks
Went swimming with the coral.
Ok I'll leave it there for now. I should go settle a quarrel between two halflings in the camp. Soon, I hope to visit and verify that my terran guy is getting these letters posted in a timely manner. If not, blame him, not me. 😉
Fare well,
*Based on a significantly true story