
A good day to you, terrans. I hope you fare well amid the craziness on your tv. Here, things continue much the same, much exploring and then returning to the settlement to manage the daily drama. Alas. Ok, now. Where was I? Oh yes.

Now, some groups greet
And others beat
Outsiders out their land.
And others still,
Engage they will,
But just to shake your hand.
(They’ll trade and go
Back to their own.)
All this I understand.
But these guys hid.
(The island did!)
Why save the stranded man?
The minimal
For criminals
To keep blood off their hands?

Yes, help was sent.
They did relent,
But quite reluctantly.
First: “He'll fare well
Without our help!”
“Well we must go and see.”
Then: “He may die
Whate’er we try!”
“Not likely.” They agreed.
But things work out;
They balance out.
In time, they might need me.

For now, they hid,
An island I’d remain.
I’d take hikes
Exploring sites.
My fairy often came.
Then nature took
A risk to look.
Her doubts I couldn’t blame.
But after when
We two were friends,
Her natives did the same…