Terrans, just writing right quick to let you know a couple things that’ve been going on. Here on the website, there have been a few changes. For one, I improved upon my bit on good arguments:
True claims and good logic. Done. If an argument has that, then it's gravy. But it’s not always clear when an argument does, in fact, have the truth-and-logic goods. How do you know if it's got the goods? (more: here)
Also, of course I added a link to Amazon. Shopping from that link helps out around here which is huge because regardless of how wealthy I am in other realms, let's face it, most grocery stores don’t accept our realm's currency (elvin tea), so when I’m here on earth, things can get awkward. (Oh, I have stories.)
More importantly I am about 13 pages away from finishing Libertarian Anarchy by the gentleman scholar Gerard Casey. This is particularly fun because I was asked by a new twitter follower, Joshua Rasmussen (follow him!), if I intended to write a review of the book. Now, I may not be as adept at such things as the Bradley Birzer (who recently reviewed him some Tolkien here), but I’ve given this book a great deal of attention over the year, so yes, I think something is in the works.
Finally, about that flying island… You may recall that I took a Twitter poll asking you guys what I should do about it. The consensus was to investigate carefully, but as I recall, a close second was to blow it up. So, I came prepared for both. But when our small crew arrived, it was totally gone! I have no explanation for this! I did get a few crazy looks my friends when it wasn’t there. But I promise it was real, and I wasn’t the only one to see it before it disappeared or whatever. (I mean there is no trace!) So I suspect or rather I wouldn’t be too surprised if this wasn’t the end of the story. (I mean, maybe it moved? If so, how fast did the thing go?!? and how far? It’s not like we didn’t look around! Anyway.)
There is more to share, but I’ll have to leave it there. For example, Elderbard Night was great. Wise and charming. The guy could’ve been Santa Claus’s cousin or something. I truly feel better (and improved?) for attending. But it’s getting late here. Later terrans.
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