A good day to you, terrans, and best wishes on your weekend. In between the crazinesses on my end, I continue to record my adventures and impose them upon your internet. Enjoy. -P
Sure I was mad,
But then they had
Events there well in hand.
With nothing to
Forgive the crew,
I went to meet their clan.
Turns out that they
All play the bait,
To prove the brave a man.
One walked in front.
He lead the hunt.
Called “Stomping Bird” was he.
And “Dancing Sprout”
Bopped all about.
Brothers, apparently.
(And each did say
The other’d take
Some time to grow on me.)
We did create,
A clan of one with me.
Twas not their home.
I had my own,
The new “Clan from the Sea.”
No more so strange,
We could exchange.
One gave her gaze to me…