Liberty Alliance

Below is an excerpt from my talk with Haley Heathman about the Liberty Alliance Network. The rest can be found here. Enjoy. -P

Haley: I started the Liberty Alliance Network. I think it was like January of 2021. And it was, of course, as a result of the Covid insanity. And I was a little bit disappointed in people on our side, that we were not doing enough to fight back against everything. I think by 2021, most of us on our side (in the circles that we run in), we already knew enough to know that . . . something wasn't right, and [that] this was a garbage and a hoax and whatever you want to call it. Plandemic. But nobody was doing anything, and I was really upset and disappointed that even people like us who should know better- I'm like, we've spent our whole lives (maybe not our whole lives, but since we were libertarians) railing against government day after day after day, and here's the biggest government incursion on our liberties in our entire life. And yet, everybody was just kind of sitting on their thumbs like, “I don't know what to do.”

Penjammin: Yeah, even the LP leadership was just like- the messaging was horrible if it was there at all.

Haley: Yeah. Right. Yeah. And I was just like, “Are you kidding me? … so we're all just cosplaying here or something? We're just pretending to care about liberty, but we don't really?” . . . Of course, we are not known to be good organizers or effective organizers. The left, they can organize in a heartbeat. In the drop of a hat, they can get 500 people out to protest not being able to kill babies in the womb, no problem. We have to fight and tooth and nail to get people involved and everything.

And so that's what I wanted to do, to start a network where we could start promoting each other and our organizations. My goal is to inspire and encourage others to take action because that's what we need. We can't just sit here and be keyboard warriors. You've got to get in the fight. You have to kind of get involved. And so maybe you might not be like the type that's going to go out and start your own organization, but you might want to join up with somebody else's. And you need to know where they are. Now, back in 2021, there weren't so many. People were still under lockdowns and things like that, and there were still mask mandates and businesses shut down and schools shut down. And so it was hard, harder. Now, I'm proud to say. And I would actually argue that the right, right now, is better organized than the left.

Penjammin: Okay.

Haley: And and so, I mean, I can make that argument… Now it's kind of evolved a little bit because now there's so many groups and organizations. If you can't find one, you must not be looking hard enough because they're everywhere now. (Thank goodness.) And we still need it. We still need more. We still need more engagement.

Then through that I started my podcast, which started off as a Rumble channel, which is called What Can We Do? Because I'm trying to answer that question. One of the most common questions is, “Well, what can we do?” I'm like: “Well, here, let me tell you, let's talk to this person who's doing this, and let's talk to this person who's doing that, and let's talk to them, so you can get ideas and figure out ways that you can maybe get involved yourself.” That's again: Inspire and encourage others to take action. And I think that the worst thing you could do (well, especially back then, but now, at any point) is nothing. Or . . . I know we were bantering . . . back and forth about social media before [we] got serious. [00:10:00] . . . The days of being a Facebook keyboard warrior are over. You can't just sit there and engage in pointless Facebook arguments… Let's actually do something in the real world and get involved and get engaged. That's been kind of my passion for a while: getting people [to] do something, go do something, get out there, get involved.

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