Catching up…

Hello Terrans. I'm just dropping a quick letter to say that the account of my pre-terran adventures is on bit of break. I want to go over what I have so far, to make sure I got certain details right, etc. Distant memories aren't always the best, which is just fine because the graver ones will grey the hairs. Don't want that. So I'm working on that project.

I've also been busy about a great many other things. I launched a contributor's appreciation group which you can learn more about here. I'm also working on a book or two. Writing them, that is. Yeah, I'm reading way too many books. I miss the days of just traveling with one book in my pack at a time. Why did get away from that?

Also, my eletter still goes strong. If you're not on that list yet, why not? It is pretty fun reading if I do say so myself. I mean. I'd subscribe to me. 🙂 Yes, at the end I will usually plug some helpful stuff that also helps me keep the terran lights on, but it's always stuff I'd like to know about (if I didn't already know about- well, you get the idea). Check that out at

I'm also regularly on twitter/x. Where I'm plugging friends' awesomeness. One such case of note has to do with the Gerard Casey, and his book Libertarian Anarchy that I reviewed here. He has agreed to try twitter spaces with me next Wednesday. (I know right?!?) We plan to discuss that book of his (a great book), podcast style. Follow me on twitter for details as the event approaches.

I'm sure I'm forgetting over half of what I have going, and that is to say nothing of all my off-terra to-do's. *sigh* I have to tell ya folks, it's been a great week, and yet, I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Here's hoping you have a great weekend.

Stay tuned, and see ya soon.
