Hoping the tv lies…

Hello again, Terrans.

I hope this finds you well. From the news over there, “well” seems like wishful-thinking. But what does the news know anyway? Am I right? To them, everything is conflict. Well, more precisely, war and… allure. And it all seems like a giant PR scramble too. I bet the news has employees hyped up world-over, spinning everything they hear so it validates some elusive dying rich elite guy's perspective. If that presentation was true Terra, I’d never visit. Well, the treasure troves of philosophy would probably lure me, but it would not be pleasant. But anyway, that’s only the news! Out and about, it’s much better.

In the real world, your real world, people open doors for each other, and not just men for women but everyone for everybody. People give each other basic respect in passing (on foot, not as much driving). Yes, there are exceptions, but it’s not as bad as it looks on tv. On tv, everything is both horrible and sexy. Most places are not really so horrible… and they're far less sexy too (especially at Walmart). So, I ask. How are things?

Here, it’s more of the same. The labor of building this place has really settled down. Thank God. We were way too intense about it. My fault. Some bad news is that I didn’t have much time for Gluestick (my horse), so I had to part with her, but it'll be ok.

Also news on my end, but more of a Terran thing I guess, is that I’ve been enraptured by a free-will debate. Someone already asked why, so I’ll save you the trouble. It was a free-will debate *with significant people doing the talking*. That was enough. But also there was… well, this debate also involved what the Bible had to say about free-will.

Now, hold on. That is a factor even Jordan Peterson (no snake-handler) could appreciate. Still, I do appreciate that book and what it says. It’s like, enchanted somehow, and in a good way, likely divinely. Still, that’s not cause to embrace the words someone else put in its mouth. And that’s my point. Terrans do that all the time! It’s so crazy! But anyway, since free-will is so profoundly important, what the bible says about it is too.

And free-will is preeminently important, but I better stop there for now, before I get worked up, and this letter never ends.

All the best.
