Catching up

Dear Terrans,

It’s been a while! I need to take the time to write more often! The micro-bloggings take less time, just a spare second now and then, and that is less than- whatever it takes to actually pen something like this. That sounds like an excuse, even to me, and it I probably is. I do hope you understand. Civilization-building takes its toll. I think we’ve grown too quick. Maybe we should slow down and let things grow at a more natural pace. I’d enjoy the extra time to write.

Fortunately for us here in Liberterra (that’s what we call it), the elvin connections across the realms help a great deal. And the dwarves help too! (One can’t forget the dwarves, or they’ll be sure to remind you…. and remind you, and remind you…). Even with the help though, there’s lots of work available! People set up shop, start other ventures. Also, they often look for help on heavy work-load days. One guy even tries to make it as a bard! I suppose we could stand for some cheering up after a hard day.

Most of the locals have been pretty hands off. It seems they just sold us the land, and they are done with us. Reading some of the Terran history of what happened to them natives, post-Plymouth, I don’t blame our natives one bit. But their knowledge of the local wildlife and land would help. The few who stayed with us know that and capitalize off it which is of course fair and admirable.

I confess I do allow one other thing to take my time away from you all. A book. Dr. Stratton’s Human Freedom. I once posted how I wanted to read it. I like how the book doesn’t ignore the more religious significance of the conversation but comes at it head on. Some of you Terrans may not appreciate that aspect as much, but I do, and so far the book does a good job at it.

Less new but just as distracting, there’s been some kind of unfortunate event in the woodlands. I guess a large sum of money was lost, stolen, or something; but apparently the critters collected it, and you can find the money on them! Ever go hunting and search your prey for spare change? It’s weird!

Anyway, I must be going. I do hope your horrible pandemic (of authoritarianism) gets better. This is why I don’t connect/marry realms. Bad stuff gets through too.

God bless.
